It is known that piano helps brain development.

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine, published a study in the neuroscience journal Neurological Research that found that "piano lessons improve cognitive abilities in children."

The research team stated in the paper that it caused changes in the neural networks of brain areas that are not at all related to music appreciation.

Music improves the hardware of the brain related to thinking, and piano training, which requires understanding of proportion and division concepts that are important in mathematics and delicate use of finger muscles, especially for young students, helps develop these abilities.

Fingers are where the nerves are most concentrated. It is known that piano helps learning by activating the brain through tactile stimulation applied by pressing the keys and auditory stimulation heard by the ears.

If musical talent can be learned in English, it will be the best condition for children's emotional and brain development at the same time.

Speaking two or more languages ​​increases cognitive flexibility and develops logical thinking and pattern recognition skills during language learning.

Also, learning new words and grammar rules improves memory.

These cognitive improvements have a positive impact on daily life and academic achievement.